Patterns leftover from a past life

Seen Heard ValuedTRANSFORM A Vow of Silence – I cannot raise my voice or speak out loud on my behalf… TO  A Vow of Relationship – I am seen, heard and valued.”

How often have you attended a meeting, participated in a group or some aspect of your family and social life where you were unable to speak your mind?  Do you have a clenched feeling in your stomach that let’s you know you are anxious or afraid to speak out?  Do you rely on others to represent your point of view in a group discussion?

Chances are that you are carrying over past life patterns we call Nun Karma.   Vows of obedience and silence may have followed you to this life.  Your vows of silence may have served your soul well in a past life, but not this one – especially if it hold you back from living your potential.

You may have done a great deal of personal work to clear up your pattern and wonder why it is still an issue.  From a Nun Karma point of view, solemn vows made in a past life before God or creator transcend lifetimes unless we consciously address the matter.    One way to address this pattern is to do our Nun Karma repatterning  – a do it yourself healing method that will help you shift a pattern.   Typically Resonance Repatterning practitioners use this repatterning with the Resonance Repatterning System and the key tool of Muscle Checking.   However, rather than learn the Resonance Repatterning system  we’ve designed the instructions so that anyone can repattern themselves, and discern the patterns using a ‘felt sense.’ .   Sign up for the repatterning kit and give it a try!

Let your voice be heard!

With love and light

About Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach

I am a Life Repatterning Coach using the principles of Resonance, Wise-Self-related intuitive tools, and maps that identify our blind spots to shift energy and activate hidden maps for natural positive change. You might think the sessions are magical - but it's just you aligning with your true self. My passion is quilting.
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